Birgit's Food Fetish and Recipe Blog

First, these recipes are largely family recipes. I will try to attribute sources as much as possible, though some have been altered a bit from the original. Second, please excuse weird grammer and spelling. If I tried to edit everything I post, I'd never post anything. Third, some of my comments aren't for the faint of heart, since I can get kind of technical and biological about cooking and some of the ingredients. So, read at your own risk!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Gluten Free for Now

Just as an update, as many of the postings as have been associated with low carb previously, I have now gone gluten, bean and red meat free, so there won't be much of that in the posts, unless someone specifically requests a family recipe that contains that stuff.

I am currently working on changing some of my favorite recipes to something gluten-free and with documented nutritional information, and may end up posting some of them here.  I am particularly interested in finding some alternatives for German Christmas cookies I have known and loved.  I have high hopes for Berlinerbrot and Elise lebkuchen and will post if they come out ok. 


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