Birgit's Food Fetish and Recipe Blog

First, these recipes are largely family recipes. I will try to attribute sources as much as possible, though some have been altered a bit from the original. Second, please excuse weird grammer and spelling. If I tried to edit everything I post, I'd never post anything. Third, some of my comments aren't for the faint of heart, since I can get kind of technical and biological about cooking and some of the ingredients. So, read at your own risk!

Saturday, November 14, 2020



1lb cranberries

1 MacIntosh Apple

About ½ cup or so water

Sugar or other sweetener to taste

Directions:  wash apple and cut into quarters, then toss into saucepan with the cranberries. Add enough water wo there is a small puddle at the bottom (the object it to cook the fruit without burning, but not end up with it too watery when done.). Cook until apples and cranberries pop.  Process through applesauce mill. (Alternatively peel and core Apple before cooking and just blend all the fruit in a blender).  Add sugar/sweetener to taste. Remember, it’s supposed to be tangy.


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